LED Info

Since the time of Thomas Edison most architecural lighting has used incandescent light bulbs. Incandescent bulbs operate at about 160 degress Fahrenheit which will singe wood and melt plastic. At the beginning of this century, in the 2000's, LEDs began to be used not just as indicators on panels but as sources of illumination.
This groundbreaking shift in illumination technology has rendered the clunky steel and glass fixtures of yesteryear obsolete.

- LEDs are a smart, eco-friendly and use a fraction of the energy used by traditional light sources.
- LEDs have a service life five or six times incandescents.
- A sixty watt light bulb produces 820 lumens and draws .54 amps.
- A G4 LED produces 980 lumens and draws .24 amps.

The light emitting diode (LED) has rapidly become the marketplace’s most widely developed and energy-efficient lighting technology.
This semiconductor component emits light when an electrical current passes through the transmission direction. The result is beneficial lighting that’s more durable, better quality, and lasts considerably longer than traditional lighting technologies.

By 2035 the Department of Energy estimates that LED lighting will result in annual energy savings of 5.1 quads (quadrillion BTU), nearly the equivalent of $630 billion in avoided energy costs. With industry-wide adoption and the growing development of new commercial LED lights, individuals are enjoying energy efficient quality lighting in homes, schools, offices, warehouses, and other residential and commercial facilities.